Monday, February 5, 2007

I wanna be anorexic but anorexia is scared of me

I think am gonna be fat for the rest of my life! God! hell no!! fuckin hell no!.. but shite! no matter how hard I try to lose even a lil weight damn those freakin food!! TEMPFUCKINGFOODTATION! I don't wanna be like them ==================================>>>>>>>>>
hell no! like a big no no! I've tried everything! ughh!! self dicipline!! please give me some of that! oh! not just some!! i need a hell lot of it!! if only i have the bucks.. damn liposuction is "chaching" the only option.. I mean the only thing for me... hahaha maybe I should open cut my stomach then stick a vaccum cleaner then suck all my body yucking fats out of me!! damn I can't wear my skinny jeans without looking like a freegin pig! hahahahaha yes I am...

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