Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My sick "mirage" day!

I’m sitting here on my desk blank minded,
stroking each keys of the keyboard,
wondering what I am doing,
when sudd
enly I sneezed!
Then I wiped the mucus that was trapped on my hands.
I straightened up again,
I was about to put my hands on the keyboard when something caught my eye.
I paused and noticed something bedazzling me,
that thing is being reflected b
y the bright light above me.
I looked directly on that thing.
I wonder what it could be.
So I let go of the keyboard,
I pushed my seat backwards and walk in the direction of that thing.
While I was wa
lking towards it,
I was being blinded by it.
I walked slowly while hundreds of questions whirled in my mind.
What is it? Do I pick it up?
Then the moment came,
I was standing next to it.
My heartbeat was poun
ding and I was shivering.
I curved my back to pick it up
yet I still can’t clearly perceive what that thing was.
I abruptly stretched my arm to pick it up.
I was startled!
I’ve never felt anything like this before.
I was feeling
mixed emotions.
I felt that thing on my hand and I said

“OH! Shoot!
Some of my mucus has managed to escape my hand
when I sneezed
and landed on the floor… eew.”

heheheh! peace-ina

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