Monday, December 29, 2008

University of Baguio-Smart collaboration for personalized sim!! I got em!

(left image)

<-- Lookie Lookie at our personalized school sim card.. ah ah ah ah ah I got em!

I’ve been vah vah very busy these past few days, I thought I could still relax because It’s just the 2nd week of classes, but hell no no no… quizzes, researches, assignments and reports are suddenly piling up and I’m going freaking crazy!! (yeah yeah!! Bring it on! Hehe!) Earlier this afternoon I was interviewed on the spot by a really “fluent in English man” from SITEL…(I had nose bleed for crying out loud!!) he told me that I passed his interview but then he said that sometimes my confidence get in the way so It caused me to stammer and murmur some words.. Ha-ha! Anyhow… Even though I had a very nerve-racking day, somehow it turned out okay…

I was walking with some usual blokes (I have zero girlfriend “BFF” type here I.D.K why!!! All I have are Boyfriends!! Hehe!) when we saw a long line near UB’s Gym… we speculated and found out that UB collaborated with smart to give us free prepaid sim cards!! I mean free PERSONALIZED UB-SMART prepaid sim cards… how sweet is that!! We could all be updated with announcements and all!! Weeee!

That’s all!

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