Friday, November 23, 2012

The Evil Bug

The Evil Bug
[Written on Black Friday November 24, 2012]
By: Czarina Leon

Evil disguise themselves as the “right thing”. They pretend to be pure, innocent and point their fingers at someone who they're insecure of. Often times, they bully others simply because they don't like them or because they just want to.

They are good in mind control. They could brainwash a person so easily. They use their powers, their special skills and their charm to lure your friends and start abusing their minds so they would go against you.

These evil come in different sizes, ages and colors. They are, most of the time, very deceiving. Their faces are extremely angelic that you can almost see a halo over their heads.  You may see them smiling at you but deep inside their saintly looks is a diabolic entity killing you in their head.

Beware of these beings with demonic deeds. They are all around you. They’re like evil termites who will feed on you until you’re wounded. Trust no one but yourself or maybe a friend or two but never let your guard down. You never know.

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