Monday, February 18, 2013

Subtle Misery

Short Story # 4

It was a gloomy day. Her head ached like hell and she was hungry. She's a little grumpy too because she can't see his face at all. He was far away.

Yes, it was satisfyingly available but when the phone rang after 15 minutes, she frowned. 

"Toot" she hears the tone.

She gave her undying greetings and mentioned her name lazily. The person on the other line asked a question and she answered politely. He was going on and on and on but she didn't pay attention because she somehow noticed something familiar with his voice. 

"That bedroom voice! I know who this is" she said silently.

She got a little nervous and excited at the same time. She looked at him and to her surprise it was really him. For the first time, she finally heard his voice over the phone. She asked a question, stopped and looked at him. He smiled and showed the pits on his cheeks. Those irresistible hollow lines. She wanted to tease him with nonsense but she was dumbfounded. She just laughed for two minutes and she ended it as soon as possible. She looked stupid but it’s okay because the moment was worth it.

It is so funny coz there were more than 500 people taking calls that day but he ended up calling her.

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