Saturday, August 3, 2013

A walk jog laugh day

Everything is more fun if things happen just because it happened and not because it is planned. Today I decided to jog not knowing eho to see or what to do afterwards. I then saw Ely and Chaniboy, two of the closest friends I have, and we just decided to jog to John Hay and south drive. I know I was going to have a lot of fun, which I did, coz of Chaniboy. I forget all my problems when I laugh so hard. Of porn conversatios and checking out of girls jiggly butts jogging like a lost bunny. Ely was silently laughing the whole time. We then decided to eat breakfast.. wait for it... buffet. Yes! Eat all we can bacon, egg, longganisa, pancake and the like. My tummy hurts but the company, conversation, laughter and experience was worth it! I love my Sunday and am off to the sports fest event!

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