Sunday, October 6, 2013

Should I give up without putting up a fight?

I ask myself that question over and over and over again but I think it is useless. I also think of holding on even if there is no hope at all. I want my happiness back. I want the old me back but I forgot how I was before you came. I know you are not the only source of my happiness but you are pretty much most of it. I try to remove you from my head by thinking of the pain I have experienced with you but I just can't. Thoughts of you haunt me in my sleep. Thoughts of you burns my heart with pain. I hug my pillow tight forcing myself to forget and ease the pain but I just can't. It has been three days since and I know it will take me a lot of time to move on. You see everything I do involves you. Everything I do I see you. I am in so much pain. I swear. I am still hoping but I know you are trying to forget me. So I will try to do the same. I will try. If I can't do it, I will cry.

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