Saturday, October 12, 2013

The "Oh! Ang Lalake Nga Naman" realization

12:00pm today.
I just realized how men can really be a pig sometimes even if they are the nicest person in the whole wide world. Now I can really say that men are liars. They really are. They can lie in your face so easily. Okay, I won't generalize that. Just rephrase it by adding the word "some" or "most" to the word men.

I asked myself this question: What makes them lie?

One reason that I can think of is that they are just inborn liars. Another reason is to protect themselves from whatever they are protecting themselves from. One more reason, which I think I am convincing myself that this is the reason why I was lied to but in reality I really dont know why, is because they don't want us to get hurt. I really think it is pathetic when they would use "I don't want you to get hurt" as a reason because if we eventually find out that they lied to us it is two times or unmeasurably painful. Right? I thought so.
Right now, it is already 1:15pm. I am still confused on what I should do but I have a clear picture of what is the right thing to do. Emotions. Oh thou a heartless bitch. Good luck to me.

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