Friday, June 20, 2014

30 things I love about you so far...

1. You send me cute text messages when I need them.
2. You call me weird names like Baby girl, Ms. Masungit, Sardinas ko, Sexy, Good lookin’, little girl, mio head and Ynaku.
3. You use crazy, corny and funny pick up lines on me.
4. You become adorably grumpy when you get jealous.
5. You assure me when I get jealous.
6. You kiss my nose and smugly say that I’m too short.
7. You satisfy and spoil me a lot.
8. You share your dreams, your nightmares even your silly fantasies.
9. You wrap your arms around me when we walk along the streets.
10. You cover my eyes, ask me to trust you and guide me when we stroll.
11. You give me a massage when my feet or back hurts.
12. You whisper to me the phrase “good night, I love you ________” and add whatever name you call me when we’re about to sleep.
13. You pull me closer to you when am asleep and hug me tight.
14. You often draw a caricature of me.
15. You give me unusual things that you know I’ll enjoy using.
16. You gave me two pieces of fountain pen coz you know I haven’t seen one yet.
17. You gave me a graphic pen and tablet coz you know I’ve been dying to have one.
18. You gave me my first Vans slip on shoes.
19. You smile when I look at you and whisper “I love you”.
20. You leave crazy and quirky notes on my doodle book.
21. You always tell me if it’s your first time.
22. You cook good food for me.
23. You eat the food I cook.
24. You surprised me on Valentines Day with Sashimi and Kimbap.
25. You pick flowers for me.
26. You play the guitar for me while I sing.
27. You remind me to save money.
28. You’re saving for a car.
29. You plan for our future.
30. You said let’s have a baby next year.

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